How do define a favorite wifi connection for a mac
How do define a favorite wifi connection for a mac

how do define a favorite wifi connection for a mac

Simply open System Preferences, select General and select the box that says “Automatically hide and show the menu bar.” The advantage here is that you get more usable screen space because the menu bar isn’t there.

how do define a favorite wifi connection for a mac

The same way you can make your Mac’s Dock disappear, you can do the same with the menu. Make the Menu Bar disappear to get more screen. All you have to do is open System Preferences, select one of the icons and check the box at the bottom that says “Show in menu bar.” Not every icon allows you to add it to the menu bar, granted, but this is an easy way to re-add the Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, volume or battery menu icons back to the menu bar.

how do define a favorite wifi connection for a mac

If for some reason a status menu that you want to appear on your menu bar isn’t there. For example, if you want the battery menu icon to be as far left as possible, simply hold the Command key, click and hold the battery menu icon, and drag it left. This same Command key trick can be used to rearrange any status menu on the menu bar. While right-clicking a status icon doesn’t allow you to remove it, you can hold the Command key and drag the icon off of the Menu Bar. This includes the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, battery, Siri and Spotlight menus, as well as any other that might appear. Quickly delete status icons you don’t need.Įvery status menu can be removed save from the Notification Center (the icon on the far right with the two yin yang horizontal stack). Either way, below you’ll find a few quick tips to help you customize so that it’s best for you. You may like it crowded or minimalist crowded.

#How do define a favorite wifi connection for a mac mac#

The Menu Bar is there to help you navigate your Mac seamlessly so that you can be your most productive self. And you’ll want to do just that because the more you use the Mac, the more crowded that the Menu Bar will likely get. You can add, remove and rearrange basically all of them. The thing to understand is that while the menus on the left side of the bar are pretty permanent, the status menus on the right side are infinitely more customizable. The icons on the far right of right, which are called status menus, such as Wi-Fi and battery, are also part of the Menu Bar. The Menu Bar is the thing that runs along the top of your Mac’s screen where all the menus - Apple, File, Edit, History and more - are located.

How do define a favorite wifi connection for a mac